Saturday, July 23, 2011

Web of lies...

One- third of a kiss,
For a weekend of bliss,
One-fourth of your dream,
To seal the deal,
A little bit of life,
Just to soothe a juvenile mind,

To morn woke us with the responsibility we never chose to partake,
An opulent reason to slouch,
Scarred inspiration that impaled our vain,
As we run from the perfectionist dictatorship,
You're never too old to run...

So what does it take,
To go from Satan's derriere to Cupid companion,
But then again we're unique designs of nasty tapestry,
Sloshed by the lies we've spun,
We preserve actual kisses in a nebulous womb...

Right from a withered mire,
Born beneath the prophecy of untamed fire,
Lies that have conceived tears,
The elitist fancies that have masked our mysterious shenanigans,
Mascara to mask the clarion of fury within us....

Isolation has created a triumph new world,
A little star of inception,
Wicked icicles that fall upon us just before we have usurped our right to passage,
My stormy mind fails to glean the dream,
Sanity brings laughter right along to soothe my repentance...

The darkest of nights,
Within the deepest of shells,
The reminisce of yet another illusion,
The temporal of dreams,
Backfired when you never predicted you'd need to brace yourself....

I snort the winds of sleep,
I stay lost in a momentary lachrymal song,
Alert not to fall prey to labial seduction,
Melancholy entered my kraal and disturbed my placidity,
So as they say, kudos to fate...

( Edward Munch- Ashes)

Hello darkness, my old friend

Them smart alecks who said adolescence was a difficult were absolutely right, its just that me being within my jolly bubble just didn't want to listen to them. Recent events have being tiring and difficult and they make me wonder if things will ever get better and I am referring to more than just teenage angst. Why does the storm need top present itself to me when it is least wanted? I wonder why I feel so lonely all of a sudden, no wait I know why I feel so lonely. I am strange and that's what I''ll be forever and I soon shall get comfortably numb about that and meet other people ( hopefully) who are comfortably numb themselves about their eccentricity. But being a quirky person it a very straight forward and hostile environment can be strange and I really do not want to change the way I am. Is it this generation who's so obsessed with their I-pads and BBM's or is just that this is the way things roll or the spirit of this city or is it that I'm not much of a zeitgeist?

I need and need as much as a coke addict needs periodical snorts, to do something new, something worthwhile, go places, not be so bored, not be dead tired at 22 hours and 50 minutesbecause ever since the 15th of March, the last day of school I've pretty much haven't been a part of civilisation or more so the civilisation I'd like to be with. It's a blatant hormone over-secretion ( not scientifically) engulfed phase of life. I really want my kind of company. I need to something significant, but significance is a state of mind, ain't it? Oh well and till then hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk to you again.