Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lopsided spectrum...

I saw the hollow of my soul,
Just when I drifted apart from the ghost of my past,
My instincts sensed the emergence of change,
Hence it created a void,
Which seemed like an endless tunnel lit by the light of minute change..

We now must depart from the world created by the gods,
Enter a universe radically inverted,
Devoid of space and time,
Straight laced as change,
As harsh as the truth..

Your comrades shall rise and fall as seasons change,
Succumb to fate,
Lose themselves to life,
Get resurrected in the fire of ice,
Too frozen to relive the former companionship...

My principles have now been deformed and kept in the corner,
Wept the silent cries of change,
Slid back into the closet,
Changed its attire,
Painted a mask on its face...

It has deceived my comrades,
Too frozen to detect lies,
Too brittle to walk hand in hand with the truth,
They now see their soulless hollow,
Saw their departed soul bound, being disciplined away from the spotlight...

The scars of the past have now faded,
I now carry my vices as a cloak of experience,  
Empathetic to sinners in numerous dimensions,
Still choose to hide, though we're one,
Fighting its own reflections...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The crowd...

Brick by brick,
They laughed,
Some were made of copper and some of gold,
Brick by brick,
They dismissed,
The secret universe being constructed right behind their backs...

This universe contained secrets,
Intertwined in each others miseries,
This universe contained confessions,
Which shall never be told aloud,
This universe had deep viscous mires,
Trespassers would be persecuted if they chose to enter...

The world before us was hidden,
Though it was dancing merrily right behind our backs,
We chose to ignore as they chose to hide,
They chose to cover their ears,
When the music was too loud,
They finally turned their backs to their backs...

Behold, here is a new world,
Before you enter we might slit your throat,
Just so that you can see this illusion in another dimension,
If only you may help us wash away the blood,
Then burn any liberty you have left,
To constrict you to these four walls..

Now that you have entered our universe,
Let us make you imbibe the magic potion of negativity,
It will kill you soul as it kills you,
Only to help you blend in with natures design,
Once you're done you're one of us now,
You just one hunter in the pack..

You need to shift your visions and dreams,
Away from this universe,
So that it can thrive there,
Shift it away before we kill it,
Using the darkness within the light,
Now you're one of us and you're dreams aren't..

Let the demons and jinns walk you through,
Just so that you can't run back,
Just in case you want your dreams back,
Let them disillusion you,
If you break away,
You shall be blissfully ostracized as we watch and laugh..    

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


We have now chosen to forget,
Urges that made our blood boil once upon a time,
In an island, surrounded by the sea of disguise,
Masked by the profuse bleeding of vessels that cut against the flow,
Silently washed away and awaiting revival...

Alas, the torch of love had ceased,
As we chose to forget unresolved anger,
As we generated hatred from unrequited love,
As we chose to alter the verdict from crimes of passion,
As long lost lovers communicated by the winds of vain...

Not dead but long forgotten,
As we chose to visit the ghosts of the pasts,
Now dancing around the maddening fire that our secrets had created,
Swirling around what once defined our world,
Surrounded by the darkness  of time that passed...

As we dreamed to escape land,
We drifted into the sea of clutter,
Uncluttered by rich stimuli,
The erotica of life occured,
Just as we were whiling away our time...

Monday, April 20, 2015

War of the worlds...

The union of at most necessity,
Disguised and delay under the perception of fear,
We walk through the battlefield of clashes,
The class of light and the darkness behind it,
The class of the dark hiding illumination from worlds long forgotten...

The union of heaven and hell,
Created revolutionary hybrids,
Took their due time to bloom,
Watched quietly as they slowly camouflaged,
This wretched disguised washed in prudish vain..

The wait for life,
Those folks in love,
Watched as friends turned foes and foes turned friends,
Silently watched as they transformed in wide open spaces,
Beneath mystic dirty roads..

They grew stronger as events had slowly been written in history,
Waiting for us to burn in  the fire we created,
Waiting for us to drown in the blood we chose to spare,
As cheap as pretentious respect,
As expensive in the tide of normalcy...

 They waited years until one day they ceased to wait,
They emerged and we burned,
Burned in the fire of fury,
Burned in the fire to strength,
Burned in the fire that bore no mercy...

The fitter chose to rejoice on battlefields filled with blood,
Blood of natures unfortunate sacrifice,
As the weaker emerged from the ashes,
Cut them down from artery to vein,
As they took back their kingdom, piece by piece. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015


The deepest misunderstandings lie in the eye of controversies,
Vulnerable for a moments desire,
Bittersweet attachment ceases to create even a stir,
Slyly seeping in our existence...

The wide sea of fortune,
The wide sea of wealth,
The sea of trade,
The sea of love...

The incessant deserts of death,
The deserts of fury,
The deserts of abandonment,
Deserted my thirst of survival...

For stranded dreams are the most surreal,
The limbo of life and its twisted schemes,
Just waiting for destiny to unfurl its wicked plans,
Leading us to the light if we choose to survive...

 But  the harsh heat of life,
Chose to quench my thirst,
Little by little,
As I regained my senses...

The desert and sea must unite,
For the salt of the sea is the very mother of fear,
The dunes of the desert scar men for generations to come,
They must unite, for the unity of mankind... 
Wrecked amidst a magnitude of tainted perceptions,
As hound dogs seek shred my flesh,
Lost, as I lose my flesh, blood and hope,
As I return to the very womb that created me...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dogs of war...

A spontaneous harmony of thoughts within thoughts,
The clash of times in a different era,
Culmination of the inversion of bliss,
No way to ease the surging tempest…

A remembrance in all its dying light,
Sought a memory before it became the past,
Colored by our minds greatest illusions,
Entered a prism, and then was deviated by misinterpretations...

Affection was a way of luring,
An explorer  in the maze of cruelty,
Cruelty bred by the deception of love,
By the hunger for flesh and the purity of blood..

The dogs which bore madness,
Once guarded the streets from demons,
Hovered in all its strength,
Killed by a moments weakness...



The skeletons buried under the sea,
Bore mysteries and divine lessons,
Arouse to discover lands of magic,
Returned to the womb of nature...

Flesh was a tale of another time,
Shipwrecked whims that had no fear,
Froze for the fight to flight,
Mechanism as primitive as evolution...

They followed the wind,
With fickle belief in mortality,
Entered another dimension,
Death of thirst and thirst of death...

Thursday, January 8, 2015


As I walk through a placid moment of time,
Amidst war, joy and destruction,
Locked in moments of chaos,
Right before I start another life within my lifetime..

As they walked, they assosiated and dissosiated,
Common scenario of nature,
As they nurtured their individualistic response,
As they dwell in their poker face...

As they forget to value their happy, one dimensional limbo,
Just before they get back to the world,
Souls they love and detest,
All morph into one...

A ghost of the past isn't is just a vivid memory afterall,
Disoriented to meet the demands of the present,
Showered with the stimulus of the present,
Strives to kill and heal its battlescars...