Saturday, June 16, 2012

Grilled cheese apocalypse...

On one fine Monday, a rather unfortunate event had changed the course of history. Fried cheese on neon- fire, as called as a meteorite overcame the atmospheres resistance and struck the North Pole, which had a rather catastrophic effect on the Earth.

At the 23rd hour of the night, when the world was rejoicing in their own terms the North Pole awakens, quite literally. The impact of the meteorite wasn't seemingly big, but what did humans know, even if they're the most intelligent species to ever exist, or apparently so. So this was the new big thing on the news of the next day, "North Pole hit by meteorite," was the" creative" headline, it even surpassed the news of Kim Kardashian's divorce and the brand new booty implants she got as a recovery for the post divorce depression, not even the stock market was more important, the meteoroid was grabbing all the limelight, this notorious li'l thing. But the world has this ability to move on so this soon became old new until five years later...

There was news of the North Pole disintegrating, like literally, the land was breaking down into bits, sinking. Then the North Pole was the new big thing. A scandal is known to divert attention to itself. Scientist, geologists, journalists and many scoundrel in this world did everything to save the poles but they all died, and so did the Poles, but one cameraman was there and he happened to captured footage that would make the whole world panic, not a person would forget. The ice bergs or whatever was remaining of it, just disintegrated into the water, like a pack of cards.      

This of course led to a lot of panic through out the world. People were trying to figure out what this was. Scientist, the real gods of the world figured out one similar pattern, disintegration. The land disintegrated, the organisms disintegrated, broke down. Water didn't but the aquatic life did. The sequence of events was cryptic.

Soon this pattern was observed in the areas of the Tropic of Cancer. The Earth was in dire straights at this moment. Our only home now is the Earth, after all our terraforming and other plans we had no where to go. Could this be the end of civilisation in general? All the biodiversity was being disintegrated, every bit of it, this nasty mystique .  This was happening faster then anyone could comprehend. Soon this spread to the Tropic of Capricorn this wiped out more than 95% of   biodiversity, this was a complete disintegration of the result of million years of evolution. The Earth was a vacant place. Then this travelled to the South Pole that was the end of it. The result of evolution was washed out.

What happened was that meteorite got in a virus from an outer world, which needed a  host cell or atom to survive. Therefore I shall call this a celestial virus. Any atom on this Earth was enough to facilitate the survival of millions of viruses or viroids. This structure of the virus was conspired by genius aliens who had figured that it would be easier for the virus to survive if it didn't differentiate between its host cells. Therefore they programmed it that way. The figured that Earth would have the most favorable conditions to survive. This virus would then evolve to a higher species, it wasn't a bad idea at all given that  all the biodiversity evolved from a unicellular amoeba. So they sent this in the form of a meteorite. It multiplied faster then humans could comprehend what this way. The aliens wanted the next generation to survive as they knew their life and planet was ending and the travelling from our their planet to ours was impossible  given the distance of many light years. Their figured that their form of life could only be transported if it was in a micro form. Therefore the genetic code of this virus bears a great similarity to their genetic code.

So now it is a very slow evolution of the virus, which is now evolving to its righteous life on Earth. Millions of years later their shall be a new kind of species. Maybe everything has a time and period so did the humans. The aliens had a more concrete plan of survival, they've even planned adaptation to other planets in another solar system, given that even our universe shall end someday. Evolution is a cycle, the history of existence is equivocal. It's survival of the fittest as Charles Darwin once said and he was undoubtedly right. They are the virus, they are the Earth men, goo goo g'joob. 

1 comment:

Groove to the era