A wisp of smoke in the starry night sky,
The shimmer of golden locks,
The curved surface where the focus of beams of light could never die,
The glint of bronze....
The stirring of water in a silver pail,
Where earth is met with the reflection of paprdise,
The glow of the sky's vain,
An effect of lost poise...
Boiling water converted to white steam,
A dormant body incarnated,
The image of a hazy dream,
Traces of lost dreams are awaited...
As you follow the footsteps of glory,
As you try to find the mystery of lost treasure,
You have followed the footsteps and created a story,
You have found deceiving pleasure...
Drops of sapphires were kept in mundane steel,
Lust was found in a mundane place,
Lust had sunk under the oceans of melodies,
You never kissed the face of fate...
You fell in the feet of luck,
You rose from the ground,
You left the fertile mud,
You just did yourself proud...
Ascended like vapor,
Sat on a deceptive throne,
Your prayer was answered,
Where do you call home?
As you sharpen your charcoal,
To engrave words on glowing stars,
Words that protrude from your soul,
The pleasure of power...
The longevity of a nebulous dream,
The illusion of lost proportion,
Lost thoughts being set free,
The sweet magic potion...
Picture from the net ( modernartimages.com )
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