Curtains closed,
behind the curtains is a ghost,
many ghosts,
the lonely ghosts.
Those curtains have never opened,
to each other they have never spoken.
Those curtains,
velvet and silk,
nylon and cotton,
behind them,
no one knows what's behind,
they haven't shown a portion,
they haven't given a hint,
the ghosts are forgotten,
they live lives rotten.
Don't see each others faces,
don't see natures beauty,
don't see the rain,
don't see the sunshine,
just feel the heat.
Away from the world they stay,
in the house they're themselves,
to go out they put on a mask and then go their way.
Behind curtains,
their shield from each other,
daughter doesn't face mother,
nor do potential lovers,
nor does the world.
one cloth separates living beings,
one cloth separates the world.
Picture from the net- ( http://freshome.com/2008/03/17/ascii-code-curtains/ )
Angst baby angst.Fancy angst eh.