It's late at night,
everyone's asleep,
my shimmering eyes,
the weather has come back again,
the poetic weather.
I spread my wings,
I can write a thousand things.
One parts of the world's sleeping,
one part of the world's alive,
my world's surely seen the light.
Philosophy at its best,
this is actually the time I should rest,
I'm in my own nest,
no one's the judge,
sleep, that's not going to come,
insomnia has begun.
Lethargy that's during the day,
ecstasy has come my way,
I write poems,
listen to the music,
come back is the wit.
I'm a soul set free,
this is my time of ecstasy,
these times of ecstasy.
everyone's asleep,
my shimmering eyes,
the weather has come back again,
the poetic weather.
I spread my wings,
I can write a thousand things.
One parts of the world's sleeping,
one part of the world's alive,
my world's surely seen the light.
Philosophy at its best,
this is actually the time I should rest,
I'm in my own nest,
no one's the judge,
sleep, that's not going to come,
insomnia has begun.
Lethargy that's during the day,
ecstasy has come my way,
I write poems,
listen to the music,
come back is the wit.
I'm a soul set free,
this is my time of ecstasy,
these times of ecstasy.
Picture from the net- ( http://www.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl=http://www.allbuyart.com/artist-awards-van-renselar-ann-veronica.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.allbuyart.com/art-news-artist-interviews-van-renselar.asp&usg=__8QwhNuxcI3OFkvk6s4jITYsZY90=&h=329&w=269&sz=56&hl=en&start=10&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=LCbfJup-LnM2DM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=97&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvan%2Brenselar%26um%3D1%26hl% )
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