Standing there,
one tear in her eye,
how could he die?
Was he really dead?
She hoped it was an illusion,
she hoped it was a dream,
she hoped it was just plain hallucination.
But it was the truth,
the bitter truth,
the bitter truth she would now have to live through.
She stood there,
she stood so still,
struck with grief,
where was he?
That tear was on her cheek now,
then she felt him,
he was standing with her,
his hand on her shoulder,
he had to hold her.
Those trumpets,
only for noble men they played,
many people did this,
now it was him.
It was a beautiful day,
a sullen day for her,
her eyes were fixed,
fixed on his coffin,
made of ebony wood,
it's a beautiful day, he said,
why are you looking at my grave,
look around you,
it's a beautiful day.
His possessions,
his uniforms,
the medals,
he was honoured,
he gave his life life for the nation.
She thought of the times he would be alone,
she was so scared and in pain,
how long could she morn?
Everyone had their heads low,
for them it was a day of sorrow,
everyone praised him,
regardless of friends or foes.
She went home,
she felt the pain in her chest,
she felt him,
she felt him on the sofa,
the kitchen and mattress.
He was there,
his EU DE cologne,
his tooth brush,
his cloths,
his noble medals,
a few strands of his hair,
he stood right in front of her,
he was there.
He hugged her,
he held her hand,
he said he'll never leave her again,
forever in the end of that aisle he'll stand.
He lead her to the light,
he won't be there,
but he'll be there,
to kiss her,
to love her,
to passionately comb her hair.
He flew,
with her hand in his,
the sky was a lite blue.
He saw the angel,
ha waved and entered the gate,
the gate of heaven,
so cruel was fate.
Him in heaven,
her on Earth,
he comes to visit her,
till death do us part they say,
but he comes to visit her everyday,
this is what true Love's worth.
Picture form the net - ( http://www.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl=http://pictopia.com/perl/get_image%3Fprovider_id%3D207%26size%3D550x550_mb%26ptp_photo_id%3D144042&imgrefurl=http://pictopia.com/perl/ptp/artwall/%3Fptp_photo_id%3D144042&usg=__ry6xZvq6653U7nruX8atPz7fwsk=&h=543&w=550&sz=62&hl=en&start=2&sig2=RQUwibYbi_OaW4KbQ6SYXQ&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=RNyTQIWiXqMNjM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=133&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwoman%2Bstanding%2Bnear%2Ba%2Bgrave%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=--f7S7uWMIf9cL6AwdMB )
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