The coconut groves,
the little abandoned hut,
we drove miles,
those miles for hope,
we landed somewhere ,
a place with not much civilisation,
those miles we drove.
That silent beach,
that mystic land,
where did we reach?
where do I stand?
I stand,
my feet getting burnt by the hot golden brown sand.
This place is far far away,
a place away not infested by the rats,
the rats of civilisation.
Entering that beach is a little stream,
a small stream from some river,
the whole thing,
the beach, the little stream, the sand, the coconut grove,
it's all so mesmerising,
the sea's the vivid shade of green.
This is like a painting,
a painting where I lay,
I'm far from that place today,
I shall return one day.
All my life I've been waiting for a place like this,
I found it,
in a place unexpected,
it makes me nostalgic,
that pure happiness.
No white trash,
no one trying to sell packets of hash,
no one cares,
this place is pure,
I'm standing on virgin land,
I'm breathing virgin air.
Some memories don't get erased,
right now I'm in a different place,
we drove miles,
we got lost,
that was not where we were supposed to be,
it reminds me a lot of destiny.
- Inspired by a true story.
Picture from the net - ( http://fineartamerica.com/images-medium/abstract-beach-painting-derek-mccrea.jpg )
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