What happens to someone after they die? A more logical answer, if they're buried they decompose, if they're burnt they become another element, and so on. After that we're left with the memory of that particular person. An illogical answer, they become the vapour of wisdom. They die, their personalities are put in a liquid state and then heated and then become vapour, their wisdom becomes vapour, this contributes to the wisdom of the world. This vapour, the divine vapour, the vapour of wisdom...
Go to the far corners of the world,
linger around the universe,
pristine vapour,
wise vapour,
in a divine afterlife,
free to move,
free to dance,
a sense of freedom no one gets as solid, no one gets as liquid, only can get this if vapour,
go to the far corners of the world,
make the world wiser,
cannot be seen by mortal eyes,
this vapour of wisdom.
Picture from the net.
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