Friday, July 30, 2010

Crystal Craters...

Who is the predator?
We all have to hide,
hiding in our crystal crater,
a longer divide...

Rotating asteroids,
silver craters of the moon,
in them we hide,
the cracks of Neptune...

As we develop our silver flair,
pools of golden honey,
plumes of tainted despair,
tender nooks and crannies...

Those colourless tears that forever drip,
a cloudy eyes gleam,
sip your wine as the prodigious knight quips,
the incomplete dream...

Don't mock them noble men,
masked in divinity,
gallons of jealously by you for them,
the holy trinity...

After all the prestigious earned dough,
a tender golden nest,
in the crater and no where else to go,
excluding the crystal crater to rest...

The lungs of the earth,
plumes of grey dust,
those insolent reasons for actions not worth,
traces of oxidized rust...

A glance at the moment of truth,
an honest reflection,
hours of peace in the crystal craters of the moon,
in the crater occurs lubricated friction...



You got all your gold medals,
you got your awards,
euphoria of the angels,
the divinity of the gods...

It look years for that wisdom,
the lit candles beneath your tomb,
the eventual for ultimate freedom,
she smiled in her mothers womb...

As long as your tomb is in the sunlight,
candles lit for years and beyond,
you're living a vivid afterlife,
the angel struck you with her tranquil wand...

The peace is mighty,
the candle light diminished the misery,
this shall remain a dormant society,
this is a prodigy...

आसमान में बैठा एक काला मेघा,
ऊस मेघ में है किसीका दिल अटका,
दिल की आज़ादी है बरखा।

अधूरी रात,
कहा गई वह बरसात?
पूरी परछाई ।

खूबसूरत अँधेरा,
कभ देखोगे सवेरा?
कभ होनेवाली है वर्षा?
बीथ्गाया एक लम्हा।

कभ आनेवाले है रंगीन फूल?
कभ सुनोगे प्यारी धुन?
वह गगन की खुशबू।

अधूरी कथा पूरी करो,
पूरी कविता लिखो,
तुम जीकेही मरो।


From the epitome...

Listen to the angels in heaven sing,
look at them spread their wings,
you won't end with nothing.

Water over stone,
the water of the soul,
the water from the epitome.

Let her untie her laces,
she had ecstatic phases,
she's been places.

Let heaven fall in the wine,
the blood of the gods,
the chalice with its own design.

For my friend, the end isn't the worst,
the end is the pristine water to fulfill life's thirst,
immortality is the biggest curse.

Picture from the net- (

Sunday, July 25, 2010


सफेद घटा में लिखा सबकी तक़दीर
वह हीरों के बूंद,
वह लाल ज़मीन

वह हर सोने का साँस,
वह चांदनी जल,
आखो का काजल,
मत रख तू यह राज,
चहरे पे हमेशा रहेगा यह मुस्कान,
तू मत पी शराब

टूटे हुए काच पे कोमल कपड़ा,
वह चांदी की सरिता,
वह चमकता हुआ हीरा,
वह सोने का दिल,
वह सोने का सूरज,
तूने भर लिया काग़ज

नूपूर का झन्न झन्न,
गुलाबी होट के खुसूरत शब्द,
मत छुपा तेरा मन,
वह गुमसुम वृक्ष,
उधर बेठा है कुछ,
वह बेरंग चेहरा,
वह रंगीला सवेरा

Picture from the net- (

Friday, July 23, 2010


When each cell of his body lost life,
she poured the faded barrel with the finest wine.
It was his birth right to be dead,
she cried tears of blood and lowered her head...

The wine would be kept away for a thousand years,
the older it gets the finer,
the wine was as read as her tears,
those tears made him cry...

He never knew how much he taught her,
he never knew his impact,
the fading memories with each passing year,
she wasn't grateful, it was him she had to thank...

As his soul is in peace,
the memories safely packed away,
for he were never meant to stay,
he was just relieved...

Picture from the net- (

Incessant love- for people I love too much to let go but too much to hold on to...

Can you wait for a while,
until your last breath,
can you wait for a while until your death?
Can you wait for a while?
I forgot to tell you how much I loved you when you were alive.

Your incessant smile,
that gleam in your eyes,
you made this house so alive,
you just don't die,
do you?
You're so incredibly wise.

I don't want to let you go,
but you'll have to someday,
but I don't want to look at you with sorrow,
you're a grace,
you're a hero, my hero,
you won't get packed away, you'll always stay.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

अनजाने सपने .

मुर्दा क्या जाने,
क्या जाने,
क्या जाने की जीना क्या है,
यह ज़मीन, यह आसमान,
क्या यह असली है?

यह कही अनजाने सपने,
क्या यह सच है?
यह अनजानी जगह,
वह सच में असली है?

वह अंतहीन मुस्कान,
वह अनजाने आसू,
वह जादू,
वह खुशबु

जादू कहा खो गया?
जादू कहा है?
आखे खोल के देखो,
जादू यहा है

Picture from the net- (

Sloppy hearts...

Electricity passed through the solenoid,
increased heat,
decreased chivalry,
the chivalry got buried under the soil.

fertile soil,
in all the planets,
decreased turns of the coil.

Where is the knight in shining armour?
From his journey he should start,
What if he has been dishonoured?
What if he has become a sloppy heart?

How long can she stay in this dark palace?
How long will she drink from the poisoned chalice?
How long can she look at the monster?
But, what if the monster has become the person to honour?

When will she see the colour white?
When will she see the light?
When will she live life?
She needs the rays of light for her sight,
when will she drink the finest wine?

When will his journey start?
When will he become dynamic electricity?
Has he become one of them, the sloppy hearts?
Has he lost his chivalry?
Has he become static electricity?

Picture from the net- (

Sepia sights...

She got a new pair of hands,
he got a new moustache,
they were prepared to say their goodbyes,
but as fate had it their souls crashed...

She fought the comets,
he fought the stars,
together they had to win against the planets,
there were no bars...

Their visions were blurred,
it got very absurd,
they didn't know what occurred,
their screams could not be heard...

Red hair,
golden hands,
thin unbreathable air,
alone they stand...

Her Sapphire pendent,
ruby rings,
together they blended,
their sepia wings...

A golden heart,
a blue soul,
together, never apart,
a mind like pure gold...

Nothing could take then away,
not the diamond rings,
here forever they stay,
until they use their divine sepia wings...

Picture from the net - (

Tainted visions...

Is fury really the worst aspect my child?
Is fear really the worst aspect my soul?
When the water penetrates the hard soil,
when we're blue as the night sky and black as coal.

When the light was blocked,
when my senses awoke,
when the sound had stopped,
when behind those words there was no hope.

When cast iron was tough,
steel just broke,
when a feather was rough,
when we lost our scope.

When we lost our Calvary,
when we lost our honour,
when the walls were bland without graffiti,
did all this just make us stronger?

Picture from the net- (

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Spread your sandwich with chocolate and cheese,
this is the time for your spree,
munch the meat,
eat your ice cream.

This is the time of your life,
drink the finest wine,
today you have no saturation point,
there will be no poise.

For this will be once,
after that you start permanent starvation,
after this you shall starve to meet the sun,
but today there is no saturation.

The city of lanes...

Calcutta, the city of joy,
Jaipur, the pink city.
Pune or Poona, ummm,
let me just give it a made up name,
the city of lanes and as each city has its own charm so does Pune.
Pune is quite an old city. It was originally named Punawadi or Punya Nagari. It has great significance in history.

The thing that is ironic is that after been born here and living here for fifteen years, as long as I've been alive I just discovered how ecsentric Pune really is last week.
It was a Tuesday.

There are two major festivals or occassions which really awakes Pune - Palki and Ganesh Chaturti. Palki is in late June and early July while Ganesh Chaturti is in September.
Palki is when Pilgrims called Wakaris go for a pilgrimage to Pandharpur, a small town in Maharashtra and Ganesh Chaturti is when peple pray to Lord Ganesh for ten days.

The really sweet thing about Pune is that this whole city is interconnected through pretty lanes.
Those lanes are like shortcuts but unfortunatly they are slowly dissapearing in the new areas of Pune.

A few iconic places in Pune would be The Pataleshwar Cave Temple, Agakhan Palace, Mahatama Gandhi Road, the central city and Shaniwar Wada, among many others.

Pune may not be essentric as I said it is (it's be my home and home is always charming), it may not be exotic but it's worth a visit atleast once in life. It's got that incessant charm and glory.
Those little lanes that binds the city together. My sweet and devine city of lanes, Pune...

Picture from the net - (, this is Shaniwar Wada from the outside)

Infinite hour...

A new era,
a fresh start,
the cuckoo sprung out,
to different tunes the spirits danced...

As I light a candle,
it's your old self you dismantle,
we will leave this place,
but before that I must paint a smile on your insolent face...

Lets not wait to long,
we have to leave our old selves behind,
lets be strong,
from now on we'll have a different body and different mind...

Throw your tears away,
it's going to be a completely new day,
form now on we will turn to a new leaf,
to the tunes of ecstasy we will now sway...

Just a few hours,
then a new era,
on our graves we'll lay flowers,
a few minutes from now,
we shall reach infinite hour...

Picture from the net- (

The seagulls at night...

In the day,
you fly not cause that's what you do,
but for your freedom,
you fly, with the help of your wings and hollowed bones,
you fly, higher than the epitome.

Don't loose your flight,
not with the lost sunlight,
your body can be distinguished easily,
a pure white,
don't loose life at night.

Fly free,
the sunlight takes time to come and go,
refraction you see,
don't loose your zeal,
you are the ruler of the great Caspian sea.

Cry soft,
fly high,
you won't get lost,
you know the nooks and crannies of the sky.

You need the sea,
the sea needs you,
you make the painting of glee,
white is the perfect match for blue.

The night's not unsafe,
nor is the sky,
not as long as you stay,
not as long as you keep the alert eye.

The Sea gods sent their angels,
angels are you,
this keeps the skies and land stable
White's the perfect match for blue.

Picture from the net- (

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lemons and eggs...

Before you go home,
before you go away,
you must be sorted into the lemons and the eggs,
we're sorry, we didn't want to do this but there's no place for the dead...

There's only this much we can do,
I'm sorry to say,
the world is rule by the living,
the dead don't have their way...

The lemons, almost dead,
the true source of life is the egg,
so after you lost all you blood and sweat,
you shall be thrown away, within the dead...

Until we have no new source of life,
the eggs have to be there, to reproduce,
the eggs have to be in front of our sights,
the lemons can reduce...

Once the lemons and eggs unite,
the lemon becomes yellow,
but the eggs become white,
there not much difference, only the lemons are selfishly alive,
but the eggs are the source of life.
Respect the eggs,
it will bring you back from the dead...

Picture from the net(

Intoxicatedly cleaver...

Poison entered your body,
the liquid you drank,
the smoke you inhaled,
with each sip your mind sank,
with each puff your lungs got even more gray.

The looser the connectivity of your neurons got, with each sip,
you lost self control,
in that puff you find your soul,
you got nothing left,
you are what that drink consoles.

Today dependence is your middle name,
not anymore, don't be vain,
that moment was a stab in your chest,
you enjoyed the savour,
today you try to be intoxicatedly cleaver.

With each sip,
with each puff,
each time you snorted a substance not so pure,
your mind got loose,
that substance entered your bloodstream,
today that's your blood.

Today with your brain so loose,
only your skull binds it together,
yo still try, try to be wise,
try to intoxicatedly cleaver.

Picture from the net- (

Under the atmosphere...

Sip your wine,
my wise men and women,
feel your love,
there's only this much time.

Comb your hair,
breathe deep,
there's only this much pure air,
a little under the atmosphere.

Embrace each other,
hold each other tight,
there's only this much time of consistent light.

Don't give each other roses,
even they have this much time to live,
kiss each other, give each other pure gifts,
gifts with out any sin.

Don't look in space,
look into each others eyes,
look at each others face.

There's only this much time,
only a little, under the blanket,
a shield from the bitter cold,
live to the fullest,
there's only this much time,
time won't wait,
there's only this much life a lifetime can hold.

Picture from the net- (

Unthanked souls...

Have you ever gone back,
for once in your life,
for all the souls you forgot to thank.

Those souls in their lonely afterlife,
laying in the grave,
they desire the light,
they just want to see your face.

Their spirits dancing in the corner,
dancing to the tune of loneliness,
to feel alive is a difficult endeavor,
but there's a smile emerging from the corner of their face.

Pangs of nostalgia,
that's only what happens to you,
but for them it's that desire that comes true.

While you live in the bright sunlight,
there's someone twitching and turning in the dark,
just a glimpse of them is enough,
just a glimpse of you is their light,
with that glimpse they will fill their goblets with the wine of pride.

Picture from the net- (

Sound's not as smart as light...

It took so much as the vibration from my larynx,
vibrations of hope,
to stop you from getting jinxed,
you got lucid as I spoke.

That sound that required a medium,
a medium for transfer,
it took signals for you hear.

Since when did you start listening to me?
Since when did you care?
You needed me only for your battle with thee,
for hearing me you need air.

As I spoke the speed of sound increased,
sound fought with density,
in my words you got seized.

You just wanted to create a revolution,
for creation of sound there's always a reason,
my words just gave you a solution.

You had to revolve around the earth,
what was the attraction between you and me?
Was it just centripetal force?
Was it words?

For the transfer of sound you need medium,
for sound's not as smart as light,
sound's not so nice,
sound can be bitter when you hear what was not meant to be heard,
the true friends light,
sound creates divide,
light unites.

Picture from the net- (

Friday, July 9, 2010

Black hole sun...

One day, one fine day. 1st March, 1995, Wednesday if I'm not mistaken. The day I bid adieu to the Earth, my home. It was sudden but the Earth didn't welcome me and sent me away, to the golden sun. I may not be a life form you'll call a life form but I am alive.
The sun releases enough energy precisely about 4 multiplied by 10 raised to 26 joules, on this I can survive on for a couple of lifetimes.
I wanted to cross the bounds of the sun but I was obstructed by the black holes. It is truly unusual, the way I live. This is where I challenge everything including light and time.
The black holes are everything and it's all pure beauty. The black holes define me.

The sun is life, my mother. The sun is what gave me life. The sun accepted me for who I am. I love the sun. The sun gives warmth, the sun gives me life.

Black hole sun ( Sound garden)
Won't you come
And wash away the rain .
Black hole sun,
Won't you come?

Picture from the net- (

Dimensions- part 2

One more day,
just one more day by your side,
but that day would be a waste of time,
as they say.

One more day,
that one more day in glamorous Hollywood,
that's just another day in a nerve wreaked beggars life.

Two parts of the story,
another worlds darkness is another worlds light,
for some the light is to shine,
for the other its just a way to hide.

Two sides on the coin,
slut for one,
for the other she's a woman of grace and poise.

I want that dimension,
when will you understand,
I feel warmer in space,
then I do on stable land,
dimensions of you.

Picture from the net- (


Heal your mind,
heal your soul,
take one step forward,
you'll be redefined,
within you the strength you'll find,
to hold on,
to look at the world in the eye,
the eagles eye...

You will love,
you will hate,
you will feel,
you will feel the zeal,
that's a part of you,
let time take its course,
just wait.

Picture from the net- (


together the world was,
when the world broke its pause,
when the world was free,
when I became we,
when the world went on a glee spree,
it all happened in 1963!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sculpted soul...

In the dark cave lies my body,
in the dark cave lies my soul,
my pain reached its epitome,
how can it be expressed,
how can the pain defeat my body of stone?

This morning was just one of them. I see the beautiful mornings everyday, after that noon and after that my eyes stare into the mystic and empty night and before you know it the magical sun has arrived with its virgin sun rays entering the cave, falling on my eyes, if only I could feel thermal energy.

It rains everyday, it is after all a rain forest. The smell of mud enters the cave and I can smell the canopy tree. Each time it rains I feel like getting out of my firm stone body and feeling the rain on my skin. But a lot of water enters the cave through the walls and flows on my body. I can see moss growing on me,but the moss has a beautiful aroma.

The good part of life is that I live in a cave within the rain forest and the bad part is that I'm immortal and made of stone. I've been there for quite some time since I've been around.

I have no heart but I have a soul. I can feel. My soul wants to be released. I've been sculpted to perfection but, my soul is trapped. It's a curse. My soul is too weak against stone but my soul is also the strongest thing ever. One I shall fight, one day, I shall escape.

One day,
until freedom comes,
one day, it has to come fast, stone is so numb,
one day, I'll join you in life,
one day I'll drink your wine,
one day, I'll join your feast,
one day, I'll fight against stone,
one day I shall be released...

Picture from the net- (

Enchanted place...

There's this place I go when I'm sad, angry, frustrated, need inspiration or just plain in the need for solitude. It's a very beautiful place, serene, quiet, isolated and inspiring. I carry it around with me all the time, very rarely do I care to visit. In fact all of us have and know about this place.

The walls speak to me and tell me what to do, the darkness embraces me and gives me all the love I need and this place always has treasure but I have to find the treasure myself
, the value of this treasure is far more then any other. The trees wipe my tears and make me laugh as they whisper into my ear, their observations of life, they are so optimistic. They let me pluck one fruit from their body, the fruit that gives me inspiration. The scent of this place always manages to comfort me, the smell of warmth.

Where is this place? It's in far away land, so far yet so close. So beautiful but, how many of us visit it even though it belongs to us? How many of us care to take that extra step to enter this place, the enchanted place.

The enchanted place,
within us,
the enchanted place,
our brain,
when do we care to go,
one to one,
the enchanted place,
have you made time to meditate?

Picture from the net-