A white night, bitterly cold. The tear coming on my cheek, that has now become a feeling-less tear now, it's become ice. In fact I had become like my tear a long time back, I never realized it, I had never thought about me. Insanity, I was way beyond that now. My feet were aching, the pain but who cared now, I was numb. I wanted to get away from civilization as fast as possible. The further I went the less was the scent of charcoal and more the smell of wood.The curvy road, the curvier it gets the further I go.
I then crossed an old forgotten cemetery, the names on the grave stone had faded, the spirits danced, they needed their small joys, their bodies were way beyond rotten, it was peaceful, strangely peaceful but I left because they was something far more serene and peaceful waiting ahead of me, the forest.
Pine trees, I used to find them spooky, today they were what attracted me, they fascinated me, they were divine but nature had given them one curse, immobility. They could withstand so much, much more than I could ever withstand. They had pristine grace. They were all over the forest, the forest of grace.
I entered the forest, I walked miles. I lost touch with life, I didn't care about mortality. I was deep into a forest and then I heard, the melody, the melody played by a beautiful soul, it was the sound of a violin. I followed the sound. I saw a shadow and then I saw his gorgeous face, he said his name was god. He put his violin down and gave me a rose, deep red, I could see the shade of red in the intense darkness.
He lit a cigar. He smokes for a while and then lends me his hand. I take it, hold it tight. His hand is so warm and firm, I feel so secure. He has such a charming smile. After this time, my life changed in a second, I started this journey, this never ending journey, a journey into the mist. We walked away into the intense night and the mystic mist. The mist will decide my fate which will never end, the mist, the mist is my life. The white mist.
The mist of illusions.
Picture from the net _ (
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