Saturday, November 13, 2010

All apologies....

The excuse of indulgence for uncontrolled lust,
While you are in the crescendo of your orgasm,
Did you think you were more charismatic with those disgraced pelvic thrusts?
The reverie of imagination...

Was snorting a disgraced substance a cloak for the momentary glory you never got?
But my darling, you were far from being nugatory,
You surely got a dry entourage,
So what if we've lost lucidity?

You are part of the dry brigade,
You are part of the forces,
Why did you let yourself fade?
These wide smiles for hollowed poses...

Are you the courtier for a jaded kingdom?
Dazed illusions that posses you through another medium,
Illusions that create a drift between you and your wisdom,
Halt hiding the truth for another reason.

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