Sunday, November 28, 2010

The plagiarist...

Layers of ice,
That morph into thunder,
Haven't you seen the lust in her eyes,
Without you she can't go on much longer...

Those tresses on her face,
A curtain to hide the truth,
Why do you keep leading her into a maze?
She dreams of you.

Her visions are her lust,
Your flesh makes you shy,
For you're not always lucky in the game of luck,
Are you stronger than the enemy of time?

I plagiarism of your mind,
I usurp your soul,
So what if was not mine?
At least I had the strength to honor hope...

Hope is a friend,
Who deceives its prey,
The adhesive that mends,
The quest of the dream we crave...

How can't you see lust,
She's the only one to vanquish your mind,
Lust is easier to caress than love,
But this world forgets everyone with time...

With the fall of night,
I hear the rustle of dreams,
Dreams that dissolve in the wisp of the golden daylight,
The lost trace of glee...

Your roaring laughter,
You dodge the arrows of love,
A smile to the master,
The master of blissful luck...

A crack of the mighty whip,
A dazzle that attracted me to you,
You're killing the fire with your ignorance,
Why can't you see?

Your absence is inspiring,
But I still want your face,
But only your mask is the king,
But you tend to mock me in a queer maze...

A melody can morph into a reflection,
But ignorance makes the melody fade into the mist,
Unfortunately I remember only fragments,
But my rage doesn't own you any vengeance...

Picture from the net- ( )

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