Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Don't let Mockella lure you into entering its perimeter, that is if you love your soul. One sight of Mockella and all the spectator wants to be there. It will lure you with its dazzling fairy lights, its trees with a golden fruits, a dale of daisy's, that maddening savour of cakes. The most difficult thing once you have laid your eyes on the gates of the town of Mockella is prevent yourself from entering.

You will meet the essence of Mockella when your fate has met the unknown. This can happen while you are driving down a very known highway and encounter a corner of the unknown or while taking a lazy stroll down the mesmerising country roads, but don't depend on what what I say because how you will encounter Mockella differs with fate. Beware, the world is an arcane place. Brace yourself for times of danger and make sure you don't get mocked by mesmerising Mockella. It will actually extract your soul and once you have entered you will not be you...

Mockella has a head who is a rather queer man, scummy to an extent, Mr Collarn. He is brilliant too. He is scummy because he doesn't have the balls to reveal his town and what it does to people who has done to innocent people who's only crime was getting lured by Mockella. He is brilliant because he can lure people into Mockella and extract their souls. A technique only known to him. He is also scummy because of his hidden intentions. He is queer because he doesn't know his intentions. He enjoys the power of extracting peoples souls and leaving those people like zombies with no soul. But, in reality he is a rather under confident jackass.

Once you enter Mockella it will seduce you into walking further. You will feel a a strange wisp of ecstasy and then be embraced by a psychedelic whiff, which is when you will loose yourself. Your soul will be extracted and you will be possessed. You'll stay in the sate of delirium forever and then become a slave to evil. Don't you ever be mocked by Mockella...
mocks your soul, extracts it as it will later come down on Mockella as rain,
Mockella mocks your lucidity,
Mockella mocks your instinct,
Mockella mocks your lucidity,
Mockella mocks your dignity,
Mockella mocks you,
Mockella mocks one and all...
- Aditi Bahadur- Probably insane.

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