Friday, December 4, 2009

Rush hour ...

It's the early hour of the morning, probably the most rushed and stressful hour. I am literally hungry for sleep, all I can thing of is sleep. Its cold outside and I'm in my warm bed still in the world of dreams, the time we think that the surreal world of dreams of ours is actually true.

I hear my shrill and unfeeling alarm waking up with much more cheer I must say, looking forward to start its day. All I want is five more minutes of sleep but those five more minutes of sleep can create a problem. Getting ready in the morning is a race. I have less than five minutes to face the world.

Ending this on a more philosophical note, this ain't going to end, so we might as well get used to it. Sigh.....


  1. Ah...actually it will pass....enjoy the being busy till then

  2. ur best!! loved it, totally know

  3. Thanks, glad u liked it :)
    Ecourages me to write more :)


Groove to the era